Archive for the ‘just curious’ category

Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex…

August 1, 2007

The question of why a person decides to have sex is actually more interesting the more I think about it. 

There is, of course, the biological imperative.  We’re programmed to procreate.  And sex is fun.  But it can’t be as simple as that, or we’d be thumping like bunnies all the time, everywhere we go. 

And unlike this idiot, I don’t think there’s a trick to it. 

A couple of UT-Austin psychologists conducted a study exploring why people have sex.  This short write-up has a sample of a few of the reasons stated.  Some of them are kind of disturbing and others are quite hilarious. 

Here are a couple of my favorites. 

“The person was a good dancer.”

“It seemed like good exercise”

Heh.  I’d like to add a couple of my own.  “She paid for dinner.”  And “It was either that or talking.”  Anyone like to add some of their own?