Gonzales perjury?

Maybe not for at least one issue much discussed. 

When he said that the confrontation leading to the infamous hospital visit was not about the NSA wiretapping program disclosed by the President, he probably was not lying. 

It was about another program.  Or intelligence activities.  And the question again is what was so horrifyingly beyond the pale that if continued most of the top officials at the DOJ threatened to resign, including Ashcroft? 

We figure that out and I assure you Watergate will no longer be the standard by which all other presidential abuses are measured.  Whatever that program was it operated for over two years after 9/11. 

Explore posts in the same categories: bush, domestic spying, gonzales, incompetence, intel, perjury, politics

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  1. […] The Burning Couch “A working class hero is something to be…” « Gonzales perjury? […]

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